Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.

Mario cart

Publicerad 2013-08-31 19:31:58 i Allmänt

Playing mario cart with shana and alexis :) later we're going to the lake with shanas boat and I'm looking forward to it :)

Fried chicken

Publicerad 2013-08-31 07:16:26 i Allmänt

School was as usual much fun and at ver science we went to the farm to watch sheep and pigs. It was funny and I got to ride the school bus for the first time!!

It wasn't any cheer today since only JV (junior varsity) was practicing. So I went home with Brigitta for the first time!

We ate dinner at the Johanssons and they made delicious mashed potato, cooked corn, a great summer salad and FRIED CHICKEN!!!!!

I haven't eaten that in 9 years, and it was sooo good!

It's definite that I'm staying here now. I've moved all my bags and stuff here and have my own room. It's been a long day and I'm really tired! Goodnight


Publicerad 2013-08-31 06:43:37 i Allmänt

Pic from yesterday when we was at the johanssons! Was a bit cold so we all took big hoodies on :D

Cute pic of brigitta! My old host sister :)

The johanssons

Publicerad 2013-08-30 16:31:48 i Allmänt

Yesyerday went the whole Lusse family and I to my new family to see the house and meet them, but we also stayed for dinner.

Lusse and Johansson is old friends so it feels good to "know" the new family a little better. The dad in the new family is a member of Mensa and a collage teacher at fresno state :)

I'm heading to school now so I'll write more later.


Publicerad 2013-08-29 16:00:11 i Allmänt

Yesterday I found out that I'm probably changing hostfamily. The reason is very personal so nothing I'm gonna write here but it's nothing to be worried about!

I don't know when I'm changing but I have a clue about who my new hostfamily might be. I will go to the same school just live in another family :)


Publicerad 2013-08-29 15:29:49 i Allmänt

No school for me this morning, instead a visit at the doctor. I'm gonna x-ray my wrist again and maybe get a new cast. I'm hoping that I get to know fir how long I will have the cast.

After that I will have 2 lessons or something whatever time I got left :)

School cheer hw sleep

Publicerad 2013-08-29 05:54:09 i Allmänt

As the headline says, that's what I do! I'm having so much fun and it's way to complicated to explain all details...

But I ate inside in the cafeteria for the first time and it looked so typical high school movie... Gonna take a picture tomorrow to upload here.

I ate with jonah and i got one of his glutenfree tacos:)

I'm learning 2 new dances in cheer and 13 new cheers so far... So much to keep in my head!

Me and Emily today!


Publicerad 2013-08-28 06:19:56 i Allmänt

Leadership class was fun, I didn't really no anything though haha! I just moved stuff from one classroom to another with a few nice fellas.

I ate lunch at the seniors table today (only junior haha) and they were really nice! 2 of them is in my pre-calc class so that was great too!

Got a ride home with Aimee, (Clark family) which was very nice of them and I'm sore after cheer practice and stretching hahaha

My cutie Emily <3


Publicerad 2013-08-28 06:08:02 i Allmänt

This is how my cast looks like so far! Making friends and family sign it! Soon it will be a masterpiece haha! Slow internet so this is only a small part of it :)


Publicerad 2013-08-27 03:05:20 i Allmänt

Had a great day at school, changed from drama to leadership so i'm really excited :)

I found brigitta at lunch for the first time so that was fun, even tho it was like 10 minutes left of the break haha!

I got my mathbook and I'll have to do a little of it at home ... :/

Cheer was really fun to since I got to be in a dance which we will perform in 2 weeks! And I also learned 5 nee cheers so now it's "homework" for me.


Publicerad 2013-08-26 15:34:56 i Allmänt

If anyone has any questions about anything you can just ask them and I'll answer them on wednesday!

Don't be shy!! <3


Publicerad 2013-08-26 06:01:10 i Allmänt

I did nothing special today, took a lazy day in my pj all day haha! Tomorrow I'll change some of my classes and hopefully I can change them to something better.

Today was the coldest day so far, when I came outside from the cold fans I didn't feel like I was going to sweat away. Instead of maybe 39 degrees we had 33 or something :)

Just a pic of me and Julia Clark, one of my cheer mates! <3


Publicerad 2013-08-25 20:30:35 i Allmänt

Today was the first time I "attended church". It was an online streaming service and it lasted for 20 minutes or something. The pastor spoke pretty fast sometimes but I understood
Moat of the things he said.

I'm still not sure of the plans of the day :). Pic from the exchange student party

In a rush

Publicerad 2013-08-25 07:45:51 i Allmänt

Had to go to the orientation meating/exchange party at my area rep lisa book. It was funny, met 2 nice american girls and a nice guy, nick, from denmark. They all sang for me (since it was my birthday not long time ago) on their own language so it was swedish, English, Norwegian, danish, finish, spanish, chinese etc

It was fun, and before the "party" I successfully bought 2 dresscode accepted shorts!

Idk the plans for tomorrow but I'm hoping that I can go to Brookes house and swim in her pool with some others :)

Pic from carwash!!

Car wash

Publicerad 2013-08-25 00:21:14 i Allmänt

Just got home from the car wash with the cheer team! We washed around 25 cars altogether and it was a sunny day (as always) so we could all work on our tans and throw water so we didn't get over heated.

Later Jonah and Rage came and we made them stand with the posters which said "SHS cheer car wash" and it was so much fun!

We were there 9-2 and


Publicerad 2013-08-24 17:56:00 i Allmänt

It's really hard to summarize yesterday in written words...

I had a great school day and I ate lunch with Emilie and Jonah this time. People recognize me as the swedish exchange student with the cast... It's so funny to try to make them say my name as it sounds on swedish. Sounds like alfrilddda

Burger Bash was awesome! I had a great time even tho I didn't cheer. They gave us free hamburgers and a soda and it was a fun time.

After BB l changed to shorts and a tanktop. I couldn't follow the jungle theme but I wasn't the only one.

I had a great time dancing with my friends, mostly from cheer, and talking to so many people! I made my friend Gabe dance and it was a babypool in the middle of the dance floor which people was crazy enough to dance in haha..

Soon before 11 (when the dance was over) I got picked up by my friend Brooke (from cheer) and I was sleeping before 11.30 haha!


Publicerad 2013-08-23 16:41:49 i Allmänt

I get up at 6.30 every day to get in time for school. Today is pretty special since it's the schoolphoto! I'm also wearing cheer clothes for Burger Bash and have my bag filled with changing clothes for the evening!

Because, after cheer practice that ends by 5, Burger Bash is on!!! And 30 minutes after that, is the first school dance! It's with jungle theme. You don't need a date for this dance so I'll just go with my cheer friends instead.

Outfit for the photo :)

Leaving with the truck now :)

Second day

Publicerad 2013-08-23 03:03:07 i Allmänt

The second day was better than the first! I recognized pretty many people from yesterday and they were all really nice!

In all lessons we talked about respect, rules etc etc

But it was the first time with vet science and I met 3 really funny guys there! I only remember one of their names, a guy called Gabe. He was also the cousin of the girl Lynette, who I have spanish with! I also have am history and lang art with her so it was nice to have company! We actually got our first homework in lang art, to read 4 chapters in a book we got and write a 75 words summarize.

Then I had drama, and I'm so lucky that the german girl is there cause it's so weird!! Last time tomorrow luckily!

I ate lunch with the german girl Tony again and we didn't do anything important on pre-calc either.

I am much more flexible now thanks to cheer! I also learned a dance, but it's "Burger Bash" tomorrow so we will be performing again! I will just run in with them and not dance as last time but I'm still excited!! Got to borrow a new uniform and 3 new ribbons for my hair!! I'll have to talk to Autumn (captain of cheer) about hair style and which ribbon I should take for tomorrow!!

It was a fun day and tomorrow I'm gonna be in school from 8.00-23.00 , I'll tell you why later!

Me and my blue waterproof cast!!

First day

Publicerad 2013-08-22 05:35:20 i Allmänt

Just come home from first day in school and it was really great!

I came to school in my cheer uniform and a bow and we had a "welcome back to school rally" and it was so much fun! So that was my first period instead of vet science.

I accidentally went to first period spainsh 1 instead of second period. I didn't realize I was that early so it was pretty awkward...

But I talked with the teacher and it was alright. So i had spanish, but we only went through the rules, dress code, punishment etc

They had misspelled my name so everybody thought my name was Altrida.. And everybody had a hard time with saying it haha! Some girl called alexia was really nice to me at the spanish class and she introduced me to more people than I can remember, but he twin sis told me: you don't want to be with her.

Hahahha well at 3rd and 4th period I knew some people from cheer and one from spanish. On all periods they just talked about rules etc so it was pretty boring...

The only different class was drama, which I want to change as soon as possible! It was pretty weird people there and I didn't like what we were doing either.

Everybody was really nice to me and asked so many questions, for example, "what kind of swede are you?" Hahahhaha

Everybody thinks that I'm super smart since I've chosen pre calc... Hahhaah and the class was full of small guy nerds hahahahh

I'm looking forward to tomorrow and I hope I will talk more to the people un my classes!

Good night!


Publicerad 2013-08-21 06:43:10 i Allmänt

Imorgon är första skoldagen, är super taggad!!!! Kommer inte ha min första lektion för ska ha cheer rally då istället :D ska ha min cheer uniform och håret speciellt osv :)



Publicerad 2013-08-21 01:02:56 i Allmänt

Just came home from a 2,5 hour long cheer practice. It was much fun and I've learned 2 new cheers! I didn't participate in the dances and throws but it was fun to watch it too!

They got me an old uniform and a pair of shoes and a bag so I'm so excited!

We didn't wear our uniforms at practice today :)

Rain & thunder

Publicerad 2013-08-20 05:45:39 i Allmänt

It started to rain, thunder and the lightning came! It's still going on and the power even went... It was really beautiful and it's second time since april it rains here.


Publicerad 2013-08-20 03:13:37 i Allmänt

Just got home after shopping in fresno! I've bought tank tops, which you need under almost every top so the bra doesn't show, and some school stuff.

I got a blue cast for my arm today :) I'm so tired but the clock is only 6 pm here...

Tomorrow is cheer practice and I'll do the stretching and maybe some cheers, but take it calm with the dances!

A pic of a lunch sandwich :)

Cheer painting

Publicerad 2013-08-19 06:04:22 i Allmänt

A pic from the cheer sleep over, we were painting our names on nice posters and it said SHS cheer (shs=sierra high school)


Publicerad 2013-08-19 05:40:19 i Allmänt

I've gotten my schedule for the year now! I' really happy about it and I hope I'm not going to be disappointed.

Per 1- veterinary science
Per 2- spanish 1
Per 3- american history
Per 4- language art 3 ( english with a fancy name)
Per 5- drama 1
Per 6- pre calculus ( math)
Per 7+8- cheer

I will follow this schedule for the whole year, same every day. I'll start at 8.10 every day.


Publicerad 2013-08-17 23:42:52 i Allmänt

Today I'm just home chilling again.

Aimee is a cheer coach and the mum of two girls in cheer. Her son is a senior who also is glutenfree.

I slept 14 hours today haha! No one woke me up so christoph and dietrich went to the lake earlier.

I really like it here. Even Tho we don't do anything special it's different.


Publicerad 2013-08-16 22:55:26 i Allmänt

The cheer sleepover was so much fun! We talked, played games, like hide and seek in the dark. I slept for like 2 hours Aimee had bought glutenfree cupcakes for me!! There's a glutefree bakery in fresno/clovis area.

Sleep over

Publicerad 2013-08-16 05:02:52 i Allmänt

I'm in the truck right now and will soon be in my way to cheer sleep over! I'm so excited :D

I will probably not have any wifi over there so I wont update!

Bruten armen

Publicerad 2013-08-16 03:24:09 i Allmänt

Bröt armen/handleden... Inget allvarligt och bör va bra inom max 4 veckor. Kan fortfarande göra cheer men har inte fått på gipsen än, får de på måndag!


Publicerad 2013-08-15 23:09:11 i Allmänt

We don't gave any special plans for today but I'm going to the cheer sleep over at school at 8 pm in 6 hours. U'm probably just gonna take it easy at home since I think I have sprained my wrist.


Publicerad 2013-08-14 18:28:39 i Allmänt

I've now made up my mind about cheer. I'm gonna start cheering!! Tomorrow night the cheer girls will have a sleep over in school and I'm gonna join them and get to know them.

I'm really excited and will do a lot of stretching so I will soon be able to be as good as them!

Provträning osv

Publicerad 2013-08-14 06:27:26 i Allmänt

Back from the cheer "test". They wanted me to join so if I feel like I have the time for it I'm gonna start! It was really funny and even tho I wasnt as flexible as them I will soon be!

When I talk about town it's mostly clovis/fresno I mean, auberry has only like 2 restaurants and 1 gas staton in "town".

The whole family (except omama who went back to germany today) watched a movie with the name of "secondhand lions" which takes place in texas in the late 50-ies or early 60-ies. I really recommend it! Really funny movie but really stereotypical agains southern americans!!

I'm going to bed now cuz tomorrow is my birthday (it already is in sweden) and I'm going to learn how to ride a mc! Good night to yall!


Publicerad 2013-08-13 07:20:21 i Allmänt

Hemma från en lååång dag inne i stan. Har nästan fixat amerikanskt abonnemang & köpt lite kläder :)) täbte skriva ett långt inlägg men fastnade med brigitta & lianna vid ipaden haha


Publicerad 2013-08-12 22:40:00 i Allmänt

Har bara vart hemma och chillat fram tills nu (halv 2 pm) men nu ska vi in till stan för omama ska handla lite grejer innan hon ska flyga tillbaka till tyskland imorgon.

Meteor shower

Publicerad 2013-08-12 06:40:58 i Allmänt

Meteor regn ikväll, men är för trött för att kolla. Efter 10 vakna timmar är jag redo för att däcka...

Nej jag gjorde inte pannkakorna själv, till den som fråga :)

Jag har ingen aning om vad planerna är för imorgon men roligt kommer vi i alla fall ha!

Godnatt / tjejen som sover som en stock innan 22 varje kväll


Publicerad 2013-08-12 04:23:56 i Allmänt

On the way to the huntinton lake ee listened to mungord & sons so loud that omama had her and for her ear the whole ride! Haha

We have had a great day at the huntington lake! I've sailed both big and small boats for the first time!

At first I went with dietrich in the small boat and it was really funny but I was glad I had the wet suit cuz otherwise I would have been really cold!

We went jumping from the dock in the wet suits, because it was to cold to be in the lake without it.

Then we took the big boat, me, lianna, brigitta, omama, trickets youngest daughter and christoph (my host dad). It was loads of fun and my task was to duck everytime we changed direction with the sail. I did a great job! Hahahaha

We are now heading to a mexican restaurant! Even tho I could sleep right now (7.25 pm)


Publicerad 2013-08-11 19:43:25 i Allmänt

Just had american pancakes for breakfast. It was really tasty with syrup and jam. Before breakfast we all just sat down outside and talked and they are joking around with me all the time. Pretending that they only accepted me cause they wanted me to clean the house and stuff, got to go out and pick fruit and then go sailing! See ya!


Publicerad 2013-08-11 05:48:19 i Allmänt

Forgot to tell you guys that we ate these weird berries! They are called choke berries and look like this, really hard to eat but delicious, I would compare them to our krusbär back in sweden.

Mono hot springs

Publicerad 2013-08-11 05:43:19 i Allmänt

We went to the mono hot speinga today which is a 2 hours trip with the car. We all went even omama (they grandma) except brigitta who stayed with her boyfriend instead.

We ha a great time in the hot springs with a temperature of 100 fahrenheit/40 celsius(i think). After that we ran into the cold river, which was colder than the ocean in sweden during spring, which says a lot!

They could like stay in that cold water for a really long time but I got the cramps after just a few seconds and rand back to the hot springs.

We met a bunch of nice people there who all were really interested in sweden and generally nice to all of us. Since brigitta wasnt there I spend the most of the time with dietrich and lianna.

On the way home we picked up brigitta and ate a delicous barbecue dinner at her boyfriend Christians house. At the way home to us we were talking so much and just joking around. And we were talking about that the puppy Ollie, short for Oliver, life was all about eating pop and licking peoples faces. After stating that I told them "that's how he rolls". Which made them start to laugh a lot! They thought it was so funny that I had picked that line up and asked from where I heard it and such haha!

I had sunscreen on (so dont worry dad) but even tho I got a bit sunburned on my cheeks.

Im ready for bed and the clock is only 8.45 here in Auberry where the golden hills are!

Goodnight friends and family!! Hugs

Mono hot springs

Publicerad 2013-08-11 05:34:40 i Allmänt

This is my room/bed that I share with brigitta and lianna." class="image">" class="image">

Good morning

Publicerad 2013-08-10 17:22:46 i Allmänt

A new day 8.20 am here in Auberry. We are going to some kind of springs, a 2 hour trip with the car. I know I haven't posted any pictures but it goes so slow from the cellphone!

The day

Publicerad 2013-08-10 06:10:55 i Allmänt

The day has been so long! We have been in the pool they have and played a version if marco polo, me, brigitta, lianna and dietrich for several hours.

After that we ate dinner, leftovers from yesterday and then we went to see the school and get some papers. I get to choose between junior or senior, and I don't know what to choose... Any suggestions?

I have time on me to choose, until school starts. So much have happened today but it's so hard to explain everything!


Publicerad 2013-08-10 00:54:34 i Allmänt

Jag vaknade vid 12 så har inte haft tid att skriva! Sovit 14 timmar vilket behövdes!

Skrev ett inlägg men de raderades så skriver om de nu...

Har pratat med familjen om vad de finns för aktiviteter i skolan och de finns cheer, dans, drama, brottning, tennis, simning, polo, osv osv

Ska träna cheer på tisdag helt själv för att bli testad och annars kör ja dans! Men tänkte tennis men de går bara på våren :)


Publicerad 2013-08-09 06:54:50 i Allmänt

Kom hem för några timmar sedan, blev upphämtad av familjen, allihop utan storebrorn. Dom hade gjort en jättefin skylt med som de stod alfrida på och kramade alla, även deras farmor var där!

Vi pratade och dom var hur roliga och snälla som helst! Pappan har askön humor och stor trivs verkligen än så länge!! Dom är så glada och positiva och kärleksfulla!!

Vi åkte runt lite i stan och inhandlade flipflops till mig vilket var välbehövligt i hettan 32 grader, vilket var inte jättevarmt enligt dom. Köpte även lite mat, det fanns ett stort glutenfritt utbud faktiskt.

När vi kom hem träffa jag även Dietrich och sedan visade pappan mig ägorna, dom hade byggt allt själva! När dom köpte tomten var se bara golden grass där, alltså dött gräs.

Vi åt en super god middag som bestod av en fisk från afrika & quinoa och sallad.

På kvällen senare gav jag dom alla presenterna! Dom blev super glada över allt! Kalles kaviar tyckte dom dock luktade som kattmat, men efter de luktade dom på smörkniven och sa på skämt "let's have a fridays smelling night". Humorn är det inget fel på haha!

Dom ville nästan inte använda handduken för dom tyckte den var så fin. Godiset & knäckebrödet blev kvällens snacks och godiset var som helt galna över!!

Lägger upp bilder imorgon för är alldeles för trött för det nu, klockan är snart 10 pm och jag kan knappt hålla ögonen öppna.


Publicerad 2013-08-08 19:47:02 i Allmänt

Bild 1: Gruppbild med goa tjejer med Manhattan i bakgrunden

Bild 2: Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park together with the group

Bild 3: Times Square med goa skandinaver

Bild 4: Killarna med sina beanies

Bild 5: Allihop under ett vattenfall som användes för att de skulle dränka trafikljuden & kännas mindre stressad vid vissa restauranger

Pheonix, Arizona

Publicerad 2013-08-08 18:54:44 i Allmänt

Landade precis i Pheonix nu, här är klockan snart 10 am medans i New York skulle den redan vara runt 1 pm

Nu blir de 4 timmars väntan här helt själv innan planet till Fresno kommer. Här i Pheonix är det verkligen ren öken, ser berg, sand och hus, knappt några träd alls!

Dags att åka vidare

Publicerad 2013-08-08 09:03:23 i Allmänt

Nu är klockan 3 mitt i natten och om 15 minuter går flygbussen. Ska anart gå mer & hämta min frukost men efter cirka 3 timmars sömn känner man sig ganska sliten...

Har haft 2 toppen dagar har i New York som jag aldrig glömmer och det hade varit kul att stanna här längre, men samtidigt längtar jag tills jag får träffa min värdfamilj & börja med mitt år "på riktigt".

Klockan 6.45 går flyget till Phoenix och det tar 5,5 timmar. På flygplatsen väntar jag sedan helt själv i 4,5 timmar för att sedan ta flyget i 1,5 timma till Fresno där min värdfamilj hämtar upp mig. Det är även ny tidzon från NY till CA så kommer nog vara rejält jet laggad!


Publicerad 2013-08-08 02:16:30 i Allmänt

Hemma från dagen, har haft de underbart! Blev åter igen lite shopping och vi tittade runt mycket och bara skojjade runt typ haha. Känns riktigt tråkigt att man ska lämna alla man lärt känna här på soft landing campet, och aldrig veta om man träffar dom igen.

Imorgon går bussen från hotellet 3.15 mitt i natten... Så blir nog inte så mycket sömn för min del :/ Saara & Hanna har de flesta bilderna så dom kommer nog upp senare!


Publicerad 2013-08-08 01:18:20 i Allmänt

Vart på centralpark, times square & rockefeller center nu, jättemysigt med alla goa människor som är här!!

Vi är nu påväg till någon annan sevärdhet som jag tappa namnet på men innan vi fortsatte stanna vi på ett frozen yoghurt ställe där dom hade goaste yoghurten/glassen, där man fick ta på vad man ville & välja bland runt 20 smaker!! Valde mango :D


Publicerad 2013-08-07 14:12:22 i Allmänt

Nu sitter jag på bussen påväg in mot Manhattan igen. Planerna för idag är Times Square Center, Central Park, Empire State Building och lite mer!


Publicerad 2013-08-07 01:50:39 i Allmänt

Blev så dålig kvalité så laddar upp bilden igen :)" class="image">

Shopping i NY

Publicerad 2013-08-07 00:08:05 i Allmänt

Sitter på bussen påväg tillbaka till JFK hotellet från Manhattan. Som jag skrev tidigare var vi på seightseeing och efter 13.00 fick vi fritid fram tills 17.45 att göra precis vad vi ville! Jag och Saara gav oss iväg på en väääldigt lång svoppingrunda. Började med hollister, sedan hann vi med american appearel, victoras secret, urban outfiters, forever 21, brandy melville etc.

Det jag köpte var en bikini från VS, ett par ray bans pilot modell, redken schampo & balsam.

Har haft en super dag mef Saara & alla andra men nu är man hur trött som helst och man längtar efter en dusch.

Lägger upp lite bilder senare :))


Publicerad 2013-08-06 17:31:05 i Allmänt

Precis kollat in frihetsgudinnan och staten island, även kollat där the twin towers låg innan. Nu ska vi äta någon eftersom klockan bara är halv 12 här.

Även en fin bild av Saara, min finska resekamrat :pp


Publicerad 2013-08-06 07:34:14 i Allmänt

Kom precis fram till hotellet JFK, klockan är 01.15 här... Flygturen från London gick bra och jag satt bredvid två norskar från explorius.

Det är mycket varmare i New York än hemma i Sverige, blir helt klart short imorgon! Planerna för imorgon är soho, chinatown, central park, etc, plus 5 timmars shopping.

Lyckas inte ladda upp några bilder för internet är så himla långsamt...


Publicerad 2013-08-05 09:56:16 i Allmänt

Gick precis igenom säkerhetskontrollen och lämnade min familj + 3 vänner, men lämnade även allt annat. När gränsen kom för att dom inte fick följa med längre och jag var helt ensam utan chans till stöd från dem, först då kom tårarna. Så nu gick jag gråtandes genom alla kontroller och sitter och lugnar mig ensam på en bänk. Har fortfarande svårt att förstå att vi inte kommer ses på 10 månader.

När jag mellanlandar i London kommer jag träffa en finsk tjej som heter Saara och vi ska på samma soft landing camp i NY och förhoppningsvis sitter jag inte helt själv på flyget mot New York." class="image">

36 timmar

Publicerad 2013-08-03 23:51:47 i Allmänt

Är ungefär 36 timmar kvar tills jag lämnar Sverige och åker iväg... Har träffat många vänner och hunnit snacka och säga hejdå, men förstått att jag omöjligen kommer hinna träffa alla jag inte hunnit träffa på en enda dag.

Har börjat med packningen men är så svårt med vad man ska ta med... Har i alla fall varit i kontakt med en finsk tjej, Sara, som ska vara på samma soft landig camp i NY som mig, så känns skönt att jag inte är ensam!

Nu ska jag försöka sova lite då jag kommer behöva fixa i ordning ALLT imorgon...

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