Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2013-08-24 17:56:00 i Allmänt

It's really hard to summarize yesterday in written words...

I had a great school day and I ate lunch with Emilie and Jonah this time. People recognize me as the swedish exchange student with the cast... It's so funny to try to make them say my name as it sounds on swedish. Sounds like alfrilddda

Burger Bash was awesome! I had a great time even tho I didn't cheer. They gave us free hamburgers and a soda and it was a fun time.

After BB l changed to shorts and a tanktop. I couldn't follow the jungle theme but I wasn't the only one.

I had a great time dancing with my friends, mostly from cheer, and talking to so many people! I made my friend Gabe dance and it was a babypool in the middle of the dance floor which people was crazy enough to dance in haha..

Soon before 11 (when the dance was over) I got picked up by my friend Brooke (from cheer) and I was sleeping before 11.30 haha!


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