Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.

Provträning osv

Publicerad 2013-08-14 06:27:26 i Allmänt

Back from the cheer "test". They wanted me to join so if I feel like I have the time for it I'm gonna start! It was really funny and even tho I wasnt as flexible as them I will soon be!

When I talk about town it's mostly clovis/fresno I mean, auberry has only like 2 restaurants and 1 gas staton in "town".

The whole family (except omama who went back to germany today) watched a movie with the name of "secondhand lions" which takes place in texas in the late 50-ies or early 60-ies. I really recommend it! Really funny movie but really stereotypical agains southern americans!!

I'm going to bed now cuz tomorrow is my birthday (it already is in sweden) and I'm going to learn how to ride a mc! Good night to yall!


Postat av: Jocke Persson

Publicerad 2013-08-14 10:04:07

Happy birthday, sweet seventeen!

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