Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2013-08-12 04:23:56 i Allmänt

On the way to the huntinton lake ee listened to mungord & sons so loud that omama had her and for her ear the whole ride! Haha

We have had a great day at the huntington lake! I've sailed both big and small boats for the first time!

At first I went with dietrich in the small boat and it was really funny but I was glad I had the wet suit cuz otherwise I would have been really cold!

We went jumping from the dock in the wet suits, because it was to cold to be in the lake without it.

Then we took the big boat, me, lianna, brigitta, omama, trickets youngest daughter and christoph (my host dad). It was loads of fun and my task was to duck everytime we changed direction with the sail. I did a great job! Hahahaha

We are now heading to a mexican restaurant! Even tho I could sleep right now (7.25 pm)


Postat av: Ingela Berrum

Publicerad 2013-08-12 07:29:40

Jag seglade mycket när jag var i Din ålder. Kul att Du med får chansen!

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