Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2013-09-13 08:05:43 i Allmänt

We won both JW and varsity volley ball! It was really fun to scream and cheer in the crowd. Aimee gave me a ride home from the game and Jonah and I switched phones for some stupid reason... So now I have his and it kinda sucks, but were changing back tomorrow.
today at ouch I met some new nice people (seniors) and one of them were Angelica and her fad was from malmo!
tomorrow is our first home game and I'm really excited :) it's also blackout theme in the dance and Autumn is going to give me a cool smoky eye make up for that.  

Volley ball game

Publicerad 2013-09-13 01:37:25 i Allmänt

HCheer practice is soon over and I've had a great day. The local newspaper came and took pictures of all 5 of the exchange students and such. 

When I walked around alone trying to find one if the German exchange students I walked by some guys who said "out if the way! Beautiful girl coming through!!" 

The volley ball game begins soon and I'm so excited for the whiteout! I'm wearing my white Soffe shorts and a white top and white shoes and I'm hoping everybody else does too! 

Me and baby Joslyn :D


Publicerad 2013-09-12 06:15:07 i Allmänt

This is how my new splint looks like. I can take it off when I shower etc and its much less clumsy. 

Tomorrow is a volley ball game and its "white out" which means that everybody is eating white from our school! I'm really excited :) it's also last day to practice for our first home game for football where I'll be cheering and dancing! 


Publicerad 2013-09-11 06:24:35 i Allmänt

After doctors appointment I went back to school and had pre-calc and barbecue. And cheer ofc! I had my new Soffe shorts and shirt from VS and the practice went really good!

After school I went home with Aimee and was with Jonah. We watched the notebook which was kinda sad... For dinner I had grilled cheese which was sooo good since I haven't eaten sandwiches in such a long time. 

Aimee had also made peanutbutter white chocolate fudge which was so tasty!! 

Cheer outfit today :p

Doctors appointment

Publicerad 2013-09-10 18:29:08 i Allmänt

I'm heading to Fresno with Adrienne right now to x-ray my wrist again. Hopefully I'll get the cast off and get a brace but more likely I will get a new cast for at least 2 more weeks. 


Publicerad 2013-09-10 06:36:21 i Allmänt

Everything is so different here compare to Sweden... School is easier but harder in another way. We have all our topics/classes everyday so we don't need to work so hard in school. We have like 4 assignments in one topic sometimes and tests everyday. 

The homeworks aren't so hard they just take time. The eating is so different too. Here I don't eat breakfast because if I do I feel sick to my stomach for 2-3 hours. For lunch I normally eat like a small pack of tougher and that's it! Then I eat some snacks whenever and some dinner late at around 8. 

All houses here are like one or maybe 2 stories and its so weird haha!


Publicerad 2013-09-08 08:14:13 i Allmänt

We went to Fresno and found out that my phone is broken inside so have to replace it, which means buy a new one... But I'll se what I do about that.

When we were at the mall I bought some stuff from a&f, vs and some sport shorts for cheer :)

After the city visit they dropped me off at Jonah and I was there for like 3 hours and at 9 I went home to Shawna, where I am now together with Alexis. We are just chilling at home and I'm staying here for the night.

I don't know what the plans are for tomorrow but we'll see :)


Publicerad 2013-09-07 20:08:35 i Allmänt

just woke up and today's plans are to go to Fresno, fix my phone while we're ther and maybe do some shopping ;) I will go there together with Alexis, Shawna, Sam and Laura (host mom). We're all getting ready to leave now but it might take a while since we all want to shower haha! 

Loooong day

Publicerad 2013-09-07 09:11:17 i Allmänt

Just got home from the football game! 
It's midnight here and the Clark's just left me at Alexis house. I had a good day AT&T school except I got a head ache, but luckily I had panodil in my bag so it disappeared.  Right after school all cheerleaders and JW football team (JW=junior varsity) got into the school bus to get to Minerets. The "real" dream came later. We lost the JW game, it was only JW cheer who cheered also. 
When varsity started the frame we have more audience and I was in cheering, it was so funny! We won by 31-7 and they scored when it was 1 second left of the game so we almost kept them on the 0. 
As I said I got the ride homis with Jonah, Reige, Casey and Jonah's dad. Emilie, Julia, Leo, Dylan and Aimee went in the other car and we went to an "in and out" restaurant at like 10.30 pm and got hamburgers before we went home. 
i don't have any pictures I since my phone is broken but others might have so I can upload them later :)

Leg hold

Publicerad 2013-09-06 05:42:45 i Allmänt

Had a great day today, ingot my cheer shoes and was soooo close to doing a leg hold. I'm flexibla enough but my arms are to short to do it so that sucks right now :(
tomorrow is the first game of football and its an away game in minarets. So I'm wearing my uniform the whole day I'm so excited!! We are going with the bus together with JW football team and I'm so excited to ride the bus too! Aimee is taking me home and I'm really excited!!

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