Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2013-09-24 02:10:46 i Allmänt

I have so much to do today!! We have so much AH hw due tomorrow and also a big package to finish. On top of that some math (easy tho) and on Friday it's a home game. So I was kinda stressed out to learn the dance and master the splits, but like that wasn't enough we started to learn a new dance due this Friday too!!

So I'm gonna isolate myself and practice dance and splits the whole week. No bible study or seeing Jonah or friends :(

Some gluten free cupcakes Laura bought to me :D


Publicerad 2013-09-23 14:26:39 i Allmänt

So me and Richard (the big black guy who was lifting me) are acting all silly and I dared him to go to school with with freckles, which he totally refused to do...

So instead we took this funny pic where he has white freckles (actually it's glue, he is crazy) and me with black ones haha! 

Serious pic

Publicerad 2013-09-23 10:29:29 i Allmänt

Someone requested a picture of Jonah so here you go Hahahahaha!

From the left it's me, Jonah and Doug :) we alla look really silly but whatever haha


Publicerad 2013-09-23 08:16:03 i Allmänt

Today I was tanning for a little more than one hour with Alexis, her mom came out with drinks and sandwiches for us so we felt so spoiled :)

At 2 ish Laura drove me to Jonah's house and spent time with him, Julia and emilie. At 7 we ate dinner at the Mexican restaurant valascos. 

We went to the good store after and guess who was in the news paper? Yep I was, because I was in the student sektion during a volley ball home game :) I'll post a pic soon! 

Me and everybody in the Clark family except the dad, who was working, were playing really silly in the store! I didn't know you could have that fun shopping groceries.

Baby sitting

Publicerad 2013-09-22 06:30:25 i Allmänt

In Fresno today we were at Alexis cousins and they had a 3 year old daughter and an one year old son. They were so cute and we had a great time!

It did actually rain today too! I low the smell of rain cuz it's so rare!


Publicerad 2013-09-21 22:30:03 i Allmänt

I'm heading in to Fresno with Shawna, Alexis and my hostmom Laura. It's cold and cloudy outside today, only 28 degrees so I'm kinda freezing since I didn't take long sleeves nor pants :/

Blue raiders

Publicerad 2013-09-21 09:53:18 i Allmänt

Just came home from an away game against blue raiders. It was the total opposite of all other games, jv won and varsity lost :/ 

But I had a great game and got to take a fun picture with my friend Richard!
Me and Ari before the game :)

Away game

Publicerad 2013-09-20 23:21:22 i Allmänt

I'm waiting for the school bus to pic us up before the second away game! 

Mirror room and Brooke's nice bow in her hair!


Publicerad 2013-09-20 07:32:11 i Allmänt

I'm working on my splits everyday because I need to nail them by next Friday! I need to jump into them and I'm sooooo close so I think I'll make it.

We've started running everyday before cheer to be able to stretch more and it actually helps me a lot! 

I took 20 minutes run after school and stretched again, so I feel really good now! 

Bible study

Publicerad 2013-09-20 02:28:29 i Allmänt

So, I was at a bible study for the first time and it was actually volunteer. 

So after cheer I went home with Abby and Gabby and after 1 hour or something people started to drop in. The only people I knew was Abby and Gabby, and Richard, the guy in orange in the las picture.

We ate dinner and talked and ten we sang 2-3 songs while a guy, Tad, played guitar and another guy played some kid of drum. It was really cozy. Then A&G's dad who is a pastor, handed out bibles to half of us (not me) which had notes on them. Then he asked them to read it and we talked about what the meaning was and how we could see the same things in our lives as in the bible.

I will not lie and say I thought it was fun, I almost fell asleep. But it was fun to meet all people and just get together with some other people after school. We were about 10-15 altogether.

This study is every Wednesday but idk if I'll go every week or what I'm gonna do!


Publicerad 2013-09-19 02:42:18 i Allmänt

Today all cheerleaders didn't have ds because we were taking pictures! I think we got some really good ones!
Autumn getting her single photo!


Publicerad 2013-09-18 06:58:25 i Allmänt

Getting my hair dried and straightened by Alexis! Cheer photos tomorrow again so wanna look pretty :) 

Pop tarts

Publicerad 2013-09-18 06:20:37 i Allmänt

Just ate my first pop tart hahah! Doesn't look as good at it is. But it's like a PE with apple and cinnamon pastry in it :)

The day

Publicerad 2013-09-17 05:08:13 i Allmänt

I'm sick, having a cold :( but it isn't so bad so I'll survive school haha!

Tried to be a flyer in cheer today and totally loved it! 

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