Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.

Loooong day

Publicerad 2013-09-07 09:11:17 i Allmänt

Just got home from the football game! 
It's midnight here and the Clark's just left me at Alexis house. I had a good day AT&T school except I got a head ache, but luckily I had panodil in my bag so it disappeared.  Right after school all cheerleaders and JW football team (JW=junior varsity) got into the school bus to get to Minerets. The "real" dream came later. We lost the JW game, it was only JW cheer who cheered also. 
When varsity started the frame we have more audience and I was in cheering, it was so funny! We won by 31-7 and they scored when it was 1 second left of the game so we almost kept them on the 0. 
As I said I got the ride homis with Jonah, Reige, Casey and Jonah's dad. Emilie, Julia, Leo, Dylan and Aimee went in the other car and we went to an "in and out" restaurant at like 10.30 pm and got hamburgers before we went home. 
i don't have any pictures I since my phone is broken but others might have so I can upload them later :)


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