Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.

Millerton lake

Publicerad 2013-09-01 07:06:01 i Allmänt

Im at Shawnas house right now after a perfect day at the Millerton lake. Shawna & Alexis went with the tube but I stayed in the boat the whole time. Except from when I swam with the cast on haha! I didn't use my left (the cast) arm, only swan with my right arm and legs :)

Shawna gave me and alexis a ride home too :)

Shawna, to the left, alexis in the middle and me to the right :)" class="image">

Mario cart

Publicerad 2013-08-31 19:31:58 i Allmänt

Playing mario cart with shana and alexis :) later we're going to the lake with shanas boat and I'm looking forward to it :)

Fried chicken

Publicerad 2013-08-31 07:16:26 i Allmänt

School was as usual much fun and at ver science we went to the farm to watch sheep and pigs. It was funny and I got to ride the school bus for the first time!!

It wasn't any cheer today since only JV (junior varsity) was practicing. So I went home with Brigitta for the first time!

We ate dinner at the Johanssons and they made delicious mashed potato, cooked corn, a great summer salad and FRIED CHICKEN!!!!!

I haven't eaten that in 9 years, and it was sooo good!

It's definite that I'm staying here now. I've moved all my bags and stuff here and have my own room. It's been a long day and I'm really tired! Goodnight


Publicerad 2013-08-31 06:43:37 i Allmänt

Pic from yesterday when we was at the johanssons! Was a bit cold so we all took big hoodies on :D

Cute pic of brigitta! My old host sister :)

The johanssons

Publicerad 2013-08-30 16:31:48 i Allmänt

Yesyerday went the whole Lusse family and I to my new family to see the house and meet them, but we also stayed for dinner.

Lusse and Johansson is old friends so it feels good to "know" the new family a little better. The dad in the new family is a member of Mensa and a collage teacher at fresno state :)

I'm heading to school now so I'll write more later.


Publicerad 2013-08-29 16:00:11 i Allmänt

Yesterday I found out that I'm probably changing hostfamily. The reason is very personal so nothing I'm gonna write here but it's nothing to be worried about!

I don't know when I'm changing but I have a clue about who my new hostfamily might be. I will go to the same school just live in another family :)


Publicerad 2013-08-29 15:29:49 i Allmänt

No school for me this morning, instead a visit at the doctor. I'm gonna x-ray my wrist again and maybe get a new cast. I'm hoping that I get to know fir how long I will have the cast.

After that I will have 2 lessons or something whatever time I got left :)

School cheer hw sleep

Publicerad 2013-08-29 05:54:09 i Allmänt

As the headline says, that's what I do! I'm having so much fun and it's way to complicated to explain all details...

But I ate inside in the cafeteria for the first time and it looked so typical high school movie... Gonna take a picture tomorrow to upload here.

I ate with jonah and i got one of his glutenfree tacos:)

I'm learning 2 new dances in cheer and 13 new cheers so far... So much to keep in my head!

Me and Emily today!


Publicerad 2013-08-28 06:19:56 i Allmänt

Leadership class was fun, I didn't really no anything though haha! I just moved stuff from one classroom to another with a few nice fellas.

I ate lunch at the seniors table today (only junior haha) and they were really nice! 2 of them is in my pre-calc class so that was great too!

Got a ride home with Aimee, (Clark family) which was very nice of them and I'm sore after cheer practice and stretching hahaha

My cutie Emily <3


Publicerad 2013-08-28 06:08:02 i Allmänt

This is how my cast looks like so far! Making friends and family sign it! Soon it will be a masterpiece haha! Slow internet so this is only a small part of it :)


Publicerad 2013-08-27 03:05:20 i Allmänt

Had a great day at school, changed from drama to leadership so i'm really excited :)

I found brigitta at lunch for the first time so that was fun, even tho it was like 10 minutes left of the break haha!

I got my mathbook and I'll have to do a little of it at home ... :/

Cheer was really fun to since I got to be in a dance which we will perform in 2 weeks! And I also learned 5 nee cheers so now it's "homework" for me.


Publicerad 2013-08-26 15:34:56 i Allmänt

If anyone has any questions about anything you can just ask them and I'll answer them on wednesday!

Don't be shy!! <3


Publicerad 2013-08-26 06:01:10 i Allmänt

I did nothing special today, took a lazy day in my pj all day haha! Tomorrow I'll change some of my classes and hopefully I can change them to something better.

Today was the coldest day so far, when I came outside from the cold fans I didn't feel like I was going to sweat away. Instead of maybe 39 degrees we had 33 or something :)

Just a pic of me and Julia Clark, one of my cheer mates! <3

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