Publicerad 2013-10-31 01:33:15 i Allmänt
Publicerad 2013-10-30 07:37:38 i Allmänt
Today was pajama day so I wore my pajamas

I'm in a bad mood right now but I found a Halloween costume.
Tomorrow is twinday
Publicerad 2013-10-29 03:50:49 i Allmänt
We don't have full 2,5 hour cheer tomorrow but only 40 minutes so I will finish school at already 3 o'clock :)
And because it's Halloween on Thursday Ari and I are going in to Fresno straight after school to look for costumes! We have no idea what were going to dress up like so any suggestions?
Right now it's study time buhu

We have done 252 pages so far in this big boring book. It's the same every week an the tristess is killing me...
Publicerad 2013-10-29 01:42:36 i Allmänt
It rained a lot today and was only 15 degrees C. I had my thick green jacket on but was still freezing my butt off. Everybody here gets so excited when it rains while I just get sad, cold and tired.
I'm wearing my thickest jacket right now and it's gonna get a lot colder so I don't know how this is gonna work out:/
And now basket ball practice has starte because it's soon season and their practice is 5-7 and cheer ends 4.45 so that really sucks because Jonah plays basket ball...
How it looked like today! This is the school yard with the mountins in the background with really low clouds.
Publicerad 2013-10-28 06:35:44 i Allmänt
Julia's birthday was this Thursday and Doug's Friday so the while Clark family plus me Doug Anacca and Leo went to play volley ball and eat :) we played for hours! When Jonah and I played Leo and emilie we won easily but then ofc we had to play girls vs guys and the loss was devistating :( I hate loosing and I get so competitive! But I didn't get too mad at least haha!
But my feet her now from the sand and my wrist is all swollen and bruised from all the serves! (Don't worry it's not the broken one)
Me, Emilie, Anacca, Julia, Doug. Leo and Jonah :)
Publicerad 2013-10-27 18:14:38 i Allmänt
So yesterday I went on a double date with Jonah, morganne and Doug :) Doug picked us all up and we drove down to Fresno.
Weate at "in and out" and after that was the plan to watch a movie. But the movie was rated R which means it's a 17 year limit. All of us are over 17 but I didn't have any ID so of course they didn't let me in since I look so much younger than 17....
So I kinda ruined the movie plans, but we found 2 black guys with a synth rapping. It was the sooo fun to watch! They told us to scream words to them to rap about all random. Funniest when they were like "Versace" and "Miley Cyrus" and "yoga pants" hahahah
After that me and morganne wanted to stunt, since we kinda have a full stunt group. me as an "experienced flyer hahaha, morganne as a 6 years experienced base, and then Jonah and Doug who would try to base me without any practice haha. When you've tried stunting you just want to do it all the time! But the guys were too boring so we just drove around in Fresno for a while looking for a special coffee shop that according to Morganne was waaaay better than Starbucks.
I had a fun night but I'll definatly bring my ID next time...
Publicerad 2013-10-27 07:55:52 i Allmänt
I just got driven home by Doug from our double date. So now I'm all cozy in bed eating some Swedish chocolate haha
I'll tell you more what we did tomorrow when I'm less tired!
Publicerad 2013-10-26 23:43:47 i Allmänt
So yesterday was homecoming! All the floats were amazing! Our theme was like I said Disney. The freshmen did monsters inc, sophmores did Alice in wonderland, we juniors did lion king and seniors did you story!
Then the natives did brother bear, the ag kids did pirates ofte carabbean, we cheerleaders had a cheer float and we had a few more floats!
It was really fun and the crowd in the audience at the bleachers was huge! We lost jv but won varsity! And the game was so fun to watch and my voice is gone after all cheering yesterday. While cheering I was stunting for the first time at a game!
I didn't tell anyone but we were practicing half and cradles whole Thursday and they got so good that we decieded to do one at the game! And the cradle was perfect! I snapped at the rigt moment and everybody was so surprised that I was flying since nobody knew I was! :D
After the game, Jonah Ari and I went to the dance and then back home to sleep :)
Publicerad 2013-10-25 02:18:33 i Allmänt
I'm so excited for homecoming tomorrow! I've been working on both senior, junior and the cheer float. But I'm gonna be on the cheer float probably.
Today cheer was really fun and we have a surprise for tomorrow's game! After the game it's a dance and after that I'm going home to a friend :D
Publicerad 2013-10-24 03:29:48 i Allmänt
Publicerad 2013-10-23 07:38:20 i Allmänt
It's so funny cause on day I see Elijah, a senior in the basketball team who I have leadership with, eating a cookie. And I was all like hey we're did you but that, because it looked delicious. He said his mom made it so I was like "tell her to make me some" he was all like "tell her yourself" because I've actually met her.
So I took re number and asked her to make me gluten free cookies, and she actually did 😂😂 so me and Jonah were eating those delicious cookies all day and Elijah were just laughing at us hahaha

Publicerad 2013-10-23 02:29:13 i Allmänt
Of today was fashion disaster and I went so hardcore... First period I was alone in dressing up but luckily everybody else were dressed up ugly AF.
Me an Autumn, so fashion right? Haha
Me and Jonah, he did a terrible job, in general all guys were ba at looking fashion disasterous.
And for you guys who don't get it, it's fashion for guys here with high socks, vans, basket ball shorts and big t-shirt.
Publicerad 2013-10-22 14:58:03 i Allmänt
Took some pictures of and with Jonah, he looks so different on pictures tho

Publicerad 2013-10-22 11:55:48 i Allmänt
This week is homecoming week which means that we have dress up days everyday! Today was "dress down Disney" which meant athletic wear. I borrowed basket ball shorts, high nike socks and a t-shirt from Jonah to completely rock the basketball style!
Some girls had football jerseys and pants and some just normal "girl" athletic but I like to go hard XD
Publicerad 2013-10-22 07:52:12 i Allmänt
Haha so funy because sometimes I only hear the words so my spelling is all weird... But today at second period we had a "drill", it was an alarm that went off and I thought it was a fire alarm but nobody recognized it.
Sierra had never had a drill alarm before so we were all confused, like that wasn't enough we had a sub.
But all we had to so was to lock the door, turn of the lights an lay on the floor all silent for 10 minutes. A drill is an alarm for when a guy who's gonna shoot people is threatening us. But this was ONLY practice so nothing to worry about.
Publicerad 2013-10-18 16:48:37 i Allmänt
Today is a game day, away, and late start. I also have pre-calculus test today. I'm so tired (I just woke up while writing this) and I just wanna spend the whole weekend in me bed but nope
I have so much plans for this weekend so there is no time for chilling at home
Publicerad 2013-10-18 05:48:56 i Allmänt
Today at vet science we were looking or bulls to breed with our schools cows I hose Gucci and Mercedes Benz haha :) and not nt because of the names but because of how they were described and muscled!
Publicerad 2013-10-17 02:40:49 i Allmänt
At pavarello house doug, Jonah and I were in a a group and we cut ham and bell sprouts. For 3 hours. It was for a soup for the homeless who live in the pavarello house.
We came and had 15 minutes left of lunch break and then the rest of the day. At cheer I ran both double bleachers and a lap around the field with Ari.
We did the home coming dance and the coaches especially told me how much I've improved and how good it looked! So I'm in a great mood! And I was able to do push ups and my wrist didn't hurt. We also did butt and stomach exercises so I feel really sore right now!
Publicerad 2013-10-16 16:01:26 i Allmänt
Today I'm not goin to school before lunch, instead I'm going to the pavarello house. It's a homeless place where we serve food to them. This is a part of leadership but it's voulenteer.
You need long sleeves and pants and we'll be back right after lunch!
Publicerad 2013-10-16 06:05:41 i Allmänt

Me and Mat,we're the most dope and swagiest people in the nerdy math class hahahah
Except Harry, he is a real swagster
Publicerad 2013-10-14 11:27:39 i Allmänt

My nails before playing basket Bacall
After basket ball...
I was so sad because I had saved then forever! They're so short and look so stupid now... I was honestly about to cry (haha seriously yea I'm thT girly an stupid right now) and Jonah wa all sad because it was his fault and he didn't want me to cut em
Publicerad 2013-10-14 08:25:03 i Allmänt
Jonah came over today at 2-3 or something and we played basket ball together. He was dunking, making 360, wind mill etc while I was doing the simple stuff haha!
We also watched pitch perfect and I love it! We ate the best home made salsa by Carl and dinner. We also had banana split. I just had a really nice and fun day with Alexis Jonah and Laura :)
I also Skyped with my dad and Gustaf :) showed them around the house and just talked for a bit which was neat.
So cute Jonah
Publicerad 2013-10-13 21:05:41 i Allmänt
I'm still at Emily Leckie's house from the cheer sleepover. We went to bed at 5 and I woke up at 10.30 so I'm still a bit tired.
We had a really fun scavenger hunt and we did so silly and embarrassing stuff hahaha!
After that we ate and went to se insidious 2. Something that wasn't the most fun, I was texting my friends during the whole movie cuz I was so scared. But I know everything that happened and it was so scary... The first is nothing compared to the second.
At the Emily's house we had honest hour and I felt like we really got closer. After that (around 3 am) we went to the jacuzzi and had happy hour and some really deep talk mostly with autumn.
Aimee just came and picked me up so I'm going home now
Publicerad 2013-10-11 09:24:36 i Allmänt
One thing I do wrong aaaaaaall the time here is de difference between fun and funny. I didn't there was any so I just used them whenever. But there is a big difference between them. Fun is more like nice, neat and funny is like you're laughing because it's funny.
If you say it was funny at your friends house (which I did before) they think we were all laughing the whole time... The difference is really annoying to me!
Publicerad 2013-10-11 04:30:01 i Allmänt
Today during cheer there was no spirit. Everybody was kinda in a sad mood so I just wanted it to end as quickly as possible.
Before practice we're supposed to run but since I've been sick I'm just walking. And as usual all the baseball and football guys are out there and they are always calling my name and of course Grant had to scream stuff in German to me hahaha! And then the classic lemon joke (I'll write it another time).
But after cheer I stayed and played tennis with the German exchange student Toni :) I was thinking that I would be pretty good since I've played before but man I was wrong. I totally sucked. And since I hate to loose I got so frustrated with myself. The ball just seemed to bounce weird to me and I couldn't so any backhand because of my wrist.
But it was fun to play again and I was outside in the sun so I got more tanned! We had it kinda warm today with 22 Celsius :) at leat compared to yesterday's 15...
Publicerad 2013-10-10 06:17:30 i Allmänt
Today at bible study I had the best time there so far! Grant did come and he is always speaking German with me so it was a great time!
We gossiped and such at first but then we played a real fun game. Me and another girl was on the edges of the church floor and were supposed to roll the pumpkins and hit the people. It was like dance stop but with pumpkins hahahah!
But when it was my turn to get hit by pumpkins of course Richard, Grant and Tad teamed up against me :/
Publicerad 2013-10-10 00:30:00 i Allmänt
It rained for the first time for weeks today! And it was really cold too! I checked the weather and we are like 3 Celsius abow you today...
I'm not going to the fair today I went home to study and after that bible study (I sound like a real nerd now huh)
But the reason I didn't go to fair was because the only guy with a license that allows to drive other underage students couldn't go so no one went.
And I think I might have convinced a guy called Grant to go to bible study,
To more the funner :D

Alexis and how normal she is in the car
Publicerad 2013-10-09 16:22:45 i Allmänt
Just woke up and nothing seems better than going back to sleep. Today I'm pravabby going to the fair with some guys from school and if we don't have anyone who can drive us we'll not go and it's probably bible study.
Publicerad 2013-10-09 02:49:08 i Allmänt
I was being a flyer during cheer again. But this time I was doing the real deal with no cheating when they based me up.
I was also doing a curdle. Which is when you're getting thrown in the air and snap your legs in the air. Mine was far from perfect but it was fun to try!!
I have a video. Comment if you wanna see it :)
Publicerad 2013-10-08 16:22:00 i Allmänt
My throat still hurts but I'm going to school anyways because we have early release which means that we end at 1 pm instead of 3.10
But since I'm a cheerleader I end at 2.45 instead of 4.45 :)
Publicerad 2013-10-08 10:03:46 i Allmänt

Me and Ashely before the national anthem
My whole team after the national anthem :)
Publicerad 2013-10-08 07:30:43 i Allmänt
Just got home from Fresno fair where I spent 8 hours!! It's like a fair/amusement park that's in Fresno 10 days a year. Except roller coasters they have all king of ag animals and weird food!
The aggies think they're so funny hahah!
A pic of a small part of the fair :)
Me and Alexis took some photos at the photo booth :D smile, duck face, tongue
Publicerad 2013-10-07 18:43:31 i Allmänt
Just woke up (or I woke up at 4.45 but luckily I went back to sleep) and my fiever seems to be gone. My head and throat is still hurting a little bit but I'm not feeling too bad so hopefully I can still go to the fair!
Publicerad 2013-10-07 08:12:18 i Allmänt
I'm sick :( got a temperature of 100.8 F and 98.6 is the normal... I'm all tomato red, my throat hurts and my hips are aching :/
Luckily I don't have any school tomorrow so I don't have to worry bout that at least...
Publicerad 2013-10-07 04:28:44 i Allmänt

Rocky road ice cream :D
Publicerad 2013-10-07 02:37:24 i Allmänt
Just finished cleaning my room with Alexis's help. It feels like my life isn't as chaotic anymore hahaha! Alexis did the vacuum cleaning for me she is so sweet :)) <3
Her grandma is having some friends over or a lunch/dinner and to quote Alexis AND her mom "he has more of a social life than I have"
All her friends are her friends from high school and I think it's so cool that they still are friends :D
Publicerad 2013-10-06 08:43:42 i Allmänt
I went to Jonah's house for a few hours and fed the kittens, watched some tv/movie and ate :)
I didn't clean my room today but I'm totally goin to so it tomorrow! And do some laundry... And we got Monday of from school to so I'm kinda excited!!
Publicerad 2013-10-05 23:54:59 i Allmänt
I'm with Alexis and having a really lazy day just watching Disney Chanel and talking.
I don't have any plans except cleaning my room today
Publicerad 2013-10-05 20:57:46 i Allmänt
We lost the home and against Minndota yesterday :/ but I had a great time cheering even tho I was so dang cold all the time.
Ari Autumn and me :)
Publicerad 2013-10-05 00:53:41 i Allmänt
I was kinda late for school so I had no time for make up so I'm doing it right now, or I'm gonna make some one do it for me and Emily is gonna do my hair.
Publicerad 2013-10-04 15:58:18 i Allmänt
Game day today! But in feeling really tired, sore and my throat hurts. It's probably going to get better durin the day...
Alexis and Elias, they're the best and we had such a great time yesterday :D
Publicerad 2013-10-04 07:43:48 i Allmänt
Today after school I went straight home and it felt so good not having any plans at all.
Alexis had her friend Elias over and I really like him he is so cozy and fun! We made brownies, played Mario cart (I won easily) and just dance and I went all in hahahah! Elias won in just dance so he posted a video of me dancing as a punish and for loosing Mario cart I posted a pic of him in my clothes hahaha! He looked so cute!

Here he is hahaha
Some guys had really fun with my phone today hahaha

Publicerad 2013-10-03 23:17:04 i Allmänt

Richard's snapchats cracks me up hahahaha!
Jonah's cute senior picture :)))
Publicerad 2013-10-03 08:10:30 i Allmänt
I had so much American hairier homework that I decided to skip bible study and stay home and do it. So that's what I've done plus practicing dance and watched a really weird movie with Sarah, Alexis and Tavis. It was about an apocalypse.

My look when a guy took my hone and said it was the teacher... Hate you Cody >:( hahahahha
I'm really excited for this dance cuz it's really fun and hip hoppy!
Publicerad 2013-10-01 08:43:11 i Allmänt

Me and the cutest guy in school, he is so cozy and I just want to hug him!!
Jonah in his cute bow tie before his senior pics! He must be the most photogenic person ever... Don't you guys just looove his hair? :D
Me and Arielle (Ari)! I got my whole cheer uniform now :)
Publicerad 2013-10-01 07:26:56 i Allmänt
I've gotten my splint of :)
This weekend I had a great night at the millsaps with gabby Abby grant Richard Seth and Gary. We watched paranormal activity 3 (i watched like 10 minutes in total and was crying)
Then later Jonah picked me up and we hung out at his house. We watched the great gatsby and we also out doing some fun stuff.
I spent the night there (I shared bed with emilie) and early on Sunday we went into Fresno to their grandmas yard sale where we spend the whole day.
Publicerad 2013-10-01 02:41:12 i Allmänt
Hi, as you might have noticed I took a small pause with the blog. The reason for it was a person, but it seems like no excuse is coming so I'm just gonna ignore it instead.