Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2013-10-11 04:30:01 i Allmänt

Today during cheer there was no spirit. Everybody was kinda in a sad mood so I just wanted it to end as quickly as possible. 

Before practice we're supposed to run but since I've been sick I'm just walking. And as usual all the baseball and football guys are out there and they are always calling my name and of course Grant had to scream stuff in German to me hahaha! And then the classic lemon joke (I'll write it another time).

But after cheer I stayed and played tennis with the German exchange student Toni :) I was thinking that I would be pretty good since I've played before but man I was wrong. I totally sucked. And since I hate to loose I got so frustrated with myself. The ball just seemed to bounce weird to me and I couldn't so any backhand because of my wrist. 

But it was fun to play again and I was outside in the sun so I got more tanned! We had it kinda warm today with 22 Celsius :) at leat compared to yesterday's 15...


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