Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.

Before USA

Publicerad 2013-11-10 00:31:06 i Allmänt

Got a question if I went to cheerleading or dance before I went to the states. And the answer is no. I learned everything  here :)

Couldn't be happier that I made it into the team!!


Publicerad 2013-11-08 15:40:42 i Allmänt

Yesterday was mountain ball, our seniors night and last game against Yosemite, our rivals! It was in volleyball and we won 3 games of 3 and I'm so excited for today when we play them in football! 
I'm feeling a bit sick tho so I hope it goes away quickly :/


Publicerad 2013-11-07 12:08:56 i Allmänt

Are you guys interested in me writing about all people I'm hanging out with and a picture of them? So you know who I'm talking about? If you are comment!

Because it's some work for me and if you don't want/need it I won't so it :p
I'm also considering putting up videos of me stunting and just other weird stuff I do that I can't really explain. But again, comment.


Publicerad 2013-11-07 06:03:27 i Allmänt

Cheer practice when really good today! I ran half a mile (don't judge me for running that short, I was the only one running) and the dance went good and I was stunting with the best group, Shalia, Ivy and Gabby! We used Julia as a front spotter just because. 
Today shalia did accidentally hit me with her fist in my face when she catched me and they also dropped me once hahaha 

When we were back in the mirror room (where we practice dance, we always stunt outside on the grass so it's softer if we fall) bailey totally random said: "I bet I could lift you and turn you upside down"
And so she did, and she turne some a whole lap! Hahah I felt so tiny 🙈
But after that she really wanted to have a single hold (I think that's what it's called). 
It goes like this:
Bailey grabs my ankles and a front spotter grabs my hands, then we do the 8 count and I load and jump and they just pull me straight up on her shoulders. It actually worked the second time already! And she also held me in her hands on her chest, it was amazing!  

We trying it again tomorrow and I'm so excited!!


Publicerad 2013-11-05 07:04:06 i Allmänt

Pictures from LA and the walk of fame. We just made a really quick visit on te way home from San Diego. But we're gonna take a whole weekend of to go there :) 

San Diego

Publicerad 2013-11-02 23:57:09 i Allmänt

Alexis Laura and I went to San Diego today. We left the house at 5am and I went to bed at 2.30 so talk about having a good sleep in the 7 hour long car ride!

We went to the beach and tanned and we also are sushi got special candy and Starbucks :) 

Last away game

Publicerad 2013-11-02 09:28:19 i Allmänt

Today was our last away game for football season... It was also jersey day in school :) 

Me and Dallyn Bressel :)

Emilie, Jessie, Ari and I in the bus on the way to the game :)


Publicerad 2013-11-01 02:08:13 i Allmänt

Me and Ari being angel and devil in school :)

Emilie, Jonah and Julia! As workout Barbie, baseball player and cat hatter :) 

My baseball player 😍 posing on the school table all natural hahaha

Right now I'm at Jonah's house waiting for him to get home (basket ball ends at 6.30 earliest) and then we're  going trick or treating :)

Pajama day

Publicerad 2013-10-30 07:37:38 i Allmänt

Today was pajama day so I wore my pajamas 

I'm in a bad mood right now but I found a Halloween costume. 

Tomorrow is twinday

No cheer

Publicerad 2013-10-29 03:50:49 i Allmänt

We don't have full 2,5 hour cheer tomorrow but only 40 minutes so I will finish school at already 3 o'clock :)

And because it's Halloween on Thursday Ari and I are going in to Fresno straight after school to look for costumes! We have no idea what were going to dress up like so any suggestions? 

Right now it's study time buhu

We have done 252 pages so far in this  big boring book. It's the same every week an the tristess is killing me...


Publicerad 2013-10-29 01:42:36 i Allmänt

It rained a lot today and was only 15 degrees C. I had my thick green jacket on but was still freezing my butt off. Everybody here gets so excited when it rains while I just get sad, cold and tired. 

I'm wearing my thickest jacket right now and it's gonna get a lot colder so I don't know how this is gonna work out:/

And now basket ball practice has starte because it's soon season and their practice is 5-7 and cheer ends 4.45 so that really sucks because Jonah plays basket ball... 
How it looked like today! This is the school yard with the mountins in the background with really low clouds.


Publicerad 2013-10-28 06:35:44 i Allmänt

Julia's birthday was this Thursday and Doug's Friday so the while Clark family plus me Doug Anacca and Leo went to play volley ball and eat :) we played for hours! When Jonah and I played Leo and emilie we won easily but then ofc we had to play girls vs guys and the loss was devistating :( I hate loosing and I get so competitive! But I didn't get too mad at least haha! 

But my feet her now from the sand and my wrist is all swollen and bruised from all the serves! (Don't worry it's not the broken one)

Me, Emilie, Anacca, Julia, Doug. Leo and Jonah :)

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