Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.

Black Friday

Publicerad 2013-11-29 16:58:24 i Allmänt

Today it's Black Friday. Which is the day after thanksgiving and when all stores have big sales.

People stand in lines the whole night to get the best sales. But I'm not that crazy so not 9am I'm just up and we're soon going to a bigger city than were we are now (5000 ppl) to have more stores. 

I'm not gonna go crazy, just really wanted experience this day :)

Las Vegas

Publicerad 2013-11-27 01:41:59 i Allmänt

The Luxor :)

Most of these pictures were taken from the car so the quality isn't good at all but still better than nothing :)

Vegas soon

Publicerad 2013-11-25 22:01:36 i Allmänt

Yesterday we stopped at a suburb to Vegas 30 minutes away. Right now 1pm I'm in Las Vegas the city at California pizza kitchen (funny that first time I eat there is in Nevada not California) and ordering gluten free pizza :)

We're gonna look around in town after that and leave Vegas at maybe 8 pm or something so we get a whole day before Utah :)


Publicerad 2013-11-24 07:59:07 i Allmänt

Just got home from Jonah. He got his own car today :)) it's old but it's a big car and I love i, it fits the moutains.
So tomorrow is Sarah's baptism and after that we're going to Vegas and after thank Utah for thanksgiving. We're taking the car and Alexis and I have planned on watching vampire diaries from season one since the car ride is so long haha:)


Publicerad 2013-11-23 01:19:46 i Allmänt

Today was last day of school! It's thanksgiving break and it feels so nice with a whole week off from school. Me Alexis Carl and Laura are going to Utah to ther family over thanksgiving. 
We're going with car to Las Vegas so I get to see that too :)

We're leaving on Sunday, and today I think I'm just gonna be home and sleep and tomorrow see Jonah and Ari :)


Publicerad 2013-11-21 06:52:29 i Allmänt

Okey, I know that you guys are gonna hate on me for this but I'm just keeping it real!

I'm always freezing (yes even tho it's around 16) and I love to complain about it. So yesterday when I'm going to my first class I see Jonah coming running (the late bell was gonna ring in 1 minute) with hot chocolate he brought from home. He's the cutest ever. So I was in time for my class but because he surprised me he came late to his.

So today I mad cupcakes that I'm gonna bring him and surprise him with tomorrow! And since we're both gluten free it's just perfect if he doesn't like them hahaha!


Publicerad 2013-11-20 02:29:41 i Allmänt

Im in a much better mood now than this morning and yesterday night. I had a good day at school and cheer practice is back after school!
I was stunting doing halfs and cradles, and tried a chair sit stunt for the first time. It worked alright and I tried it with album different people but it worked best with gabby :) it's a kinda awkward stunt since they have their hand up your butt but it looks pretty cool as you can see in the link below. 

It's not us on he picture or the video I just found it for you guys and google :)

Missing home

Publicerad 2013-11-19 06:20:55 i Allmänt

Can't help but missing home right now. I miss all my friends and family. I miss that people know who I am and to not need to constantly explain myself.

The culture is so different and jokes and clothes and everything is just different. I'm tired of not being able I elaborate myself. By all misunderstands. I miss just being able to speak and talk lightly without asking what 4 times and still don't understand. To have people explain words and expressions for you.

Making new friends if fun but really exhausting. I miss my old ones and just not having to stop myself from
Being weird and goofy as I can around them. 

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