Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2013-11-12 03:34:55 i Allmänt

Woke up early (for a no school day since it's vetarans day) at 8.20 and were ready to leave at 9 like we said. But Alexis were of course sleeping like a little baby at that time... So we woke her up and left 9.40 and were a bit late to her dentist appointment.

After that we ate sushi and went to the mall. I bought some stuff and we were there in total 7 hours. 

I got home and I'm now waiting to be picked up and go home to Jonah for 2,5 hours before I need to be home again haha!

Forgot to tell you but I cut his hair with a office sciccor yesterday. Looked pretty good but I was freaking out when he cut mine hahahah 


Postat av: mathilda

Publicerad 2013-11-12 20:55:39

whaaaaaaaaaat ??? klippte ni varandras hår?? du är inte riktigt klok alfi!!

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