Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2014-05-16 01:46:22 i Allmänt

Today we had an awareness campaign of drunk under influences and it's effects. In USA someone does every 15 minutes because of an alcohol related accident... So every 15 minutes we heard a heart beat and then the tone of a heart stopping in te hospital.. Followed by an announcement...
And every 15 minutes "death" came and took a student to really make the effect bigger. 

At 5th period we all got called down to the stadium where they had set up a car accident with two cars crashed in to eachother.

Annie, Brooke and Kacy were in one car with blood all over them and Aaron and Forrest were in the other car. We then heard a recording of Kacy, in panic and chock calling 911 and saying what happened and that Annie was dead and it was blood every where.  It gave most people goose bumps and was terrible because it felt so real. Then ambulances and cop cars and 2 fire trucks came and thy started to get people out of there. The drunk driver got an alcohol test and then handcuffs and went in the police car.

Also a helicopter came and took the one person who survived to the hospital. 

This was all FAKE but a play that showed what it actually would look like in a real accident... 
I only got one picture because I was so distracted, but you can see the two cars  that collided and some firemen breaking the smashed door open to get them out. 
In the background you can see people in black, those are the victims this morning for deaths every 15 minutes 


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