Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2014-03-08 04:19:45 i Allmänt

So here in America all sports are in school, and you play in league, whatever division your school is in. If you win a lot of games you go to play offs, against much better teams. And if you win your playoffs you go to valley, or the final.

Our girls soccer team won valley this week and girls basketball team is going to valley At selland tomorrow. I'm gonna be there cheering of course and it would be so fun to win. 

So that's my plans for Tommorow :)


Publicerad 2014-03-05 07:58:56 i Allmänt

Today, or yesterday for you guys in sweden, I hit one if the hurdles with my ankle. It didn't really hurt that much but I should've stopped when it started to bruise after 5 minutes. But I didn't pay attention and now a few hours later it's really swollen. 

I'm keeping it elevated (don't worry la familia) and am hoping it will be better tomorrow because it's the first sprint practice for me:) 

The first track meet is this Saturday but I decided to wait and go next Friday instead so I have some time to get in to everything!

Pole vault

Publicerad 2014-03-04 05:28:38 i Allmänt

I tried pole vault for the first time today and it was a bit different than I expected but really fun! 
It was only guys there, because the other 2 girls who do it still have soccer. 
I actually made a real jump, not high or anything but I got much higher up on the pole :) 

I don't know if I want to continue with it but I will give it a few more practices for sure!

Tomorrow is hurdling again and we are having a special trainer with us :) I don't remember his name but he was in the risk to the Olympics years ago!

Track start

Publicerad 2014-02-28 19:24:30 i Allmänt

Track after school practice started this week, and I missed the first 2 days since I was in Florida, and Wednesday was only the throwing events practicing. So yesterday Thursday, After track PE were we ONLY did exercises for our hips, I had hurdling practice! 

It was so much fun, and we worked a lot with the technique and then only did a few low hurdlers. 

And even though I haven't done it since I was 12 the coach could still tell I've done it before! So that's very promising :)

Except hurdling I'm planning on doing sprint in 100m, maybe 400 or 800, in gelding 100 & 400 maybe. Then I might try pole vault! For that you need a strong upper body and the guy who is best at it on our school told me to try it so I will! Probably not gonna be good at it but always fun to try a new event!

But today my hips are really sore from yesterday so I'm gonna rest.


Publicerad 2014-02-22 05:11:02 i Allmänt

1st visit at Disney Land :)
Firework show in the end of the day:)

Alexis and we second cousin Brooke while we were riding a roller coaster:)

We just stood in line for this thing we thought were a fast roller coaster for like 30 minutes, then it actually realized it was a "make your own car" simulator.

You chose color shape rims lights etc on a computer for a Chevy, then you sat down in a typical roller coaster seat and it drove around and have you points for speed, strength, efficiency and etc

Brooke, Alexis and I in front of "Space Ship Earth" :)

We were today in Epcot, there is a few other parks that we have 3 more days to see!


Publicerad 2014-02-21 04:43:39 i Allmänt

Our flight from sanfransisco to Cleveland Ohio were delayed so we missed our plane to Orlando Florida :(

So the airplane firm put us in a hotel over night and we are leaving early in the morning tomorrow. We'll be there 11 am but we are still gonna miss the whole morning at Disney world :(

Leaving to Florida

Publicerad 2014-02-20 16:57:15 i Allmänt

Laura Alexis and I are at the moment waiting at FAT, Fresno airport to leave to first San Fran, then Cleveland and then Orlando Florida. 

The flight is around 8 hours, plus we have to wait in each airport. We arriving approximately 10 pm


Publicerad 2014-02-20 02:42:13 i Allmänt

Yesterday Laura Alexis and I went to town, ate sushi and bought some stuff for the chickens.  

We met Austin down there so Alexis and I went with him while Laura went grocerie shopping. 

We went to some kind of truck gathering and some of the trucks were so pimped they looked stupid. 

Alexis and Austin were too cool to sit in thei seats so they sat on the floor :S


Publicerad 2014-02-15 19:44:11 i Allmänt

Sorry guys I haven't written anything in ages...

But school is rolling on as usual and cheer season is over in a week. Then im gonna start track, but I don't know what events yet. 

Donkey basketball was 2 days ago but I missed it and couldn't sell enought tickets to get to ride myself ;/ but I've seen videos and pictures and it looks so fun!

Yesterday was valentines day and people celebrate it like crazy here. Made me a bit uncomfortable hahaha but it was a nice day still. After school Alexis got picked up by Austin to go to town and they dropped me of at Jonah's house.

From there I went to his away basketball game at Liberty with how mom grandma and two sisters. They lost by 5 points but were so close to win.

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