Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.

Prom 5/17/14

Publicerad 2014-05-20 02:55:50 i Allmänt

So last Saturday was prom. Jessie came over at 3 to do my hair and make up, and helped me get in my dress haha! 
Here's a close up of my makeup 

Here's Jessie and I :)

Then Carl drove me to Grant's house where we took some pictures and our on our little flower things, I don't know how it's smelled haha! 

After some pictures his parents, Pam and Terry, drove us to Sakanya, where we met up with Shawna, Ashlynn, Makenna, Savannah, Kendall and her boyfriend. 
There we had dinner and after that we for going to prom :) 
Shawna Ashlynn and me 
Me and savannah 

Me and Makenna

In the car 
Took a sneaky picture :p

When we got to the prom, most people were already there. Since my school is so small it was not what I expected at all. It was outside and around 30 people in total. 

We danced a little, sat down and talked and took photos in the photo booth. 

It was fun but not as spectacular as I expected it to be.
Prom kind and queen was two band kids, John Ray and I don't know the name of his girlfriend. 

Every 15 minutes

Publicerad 2014-05-17 21:03:06 i Allmänt

So I found the link to the movie they made... This isn't the sad part of the whole thing... Sure it is sad but the people who talked straight to us made it 100 times more emotional...

Remember I know these people, I talk to them everyday and have classes with them and some of them are my friends... That makes it so much more real... 


Publicerad 2014-05-16 01:46:22 i Allmänt

Today we had an awareness campaign of drunk under influences and it's effects. In USA someone does every 15 minutes because of an alcohol related accident... So every 15 minutes we heard a heart beat and then the tone of a heart stopping in te hospital.. Followed by an announcement...
And every 15 minutes "death" came and took a student to really make the effect bigger. 

At 5th period we all got called down to the stadium where they had set up a car accident with two cars crashed in to eachother.

Annie, Brooke and Kacy were in one car with blood all over them and Aaron and Forrest were in the other car. We then heard a recording of Kacy, in panic and chock calling 911 and saying what happened and that Annie was dead and it was blood every where.  It gave most people goose bumps and was terrible because it felt so real. Then ambulances and cop cars and 2 fire trucks came and thy started to get people out of there. The drunk driver got an alcohol test and then handcuffs and went in the police car.

Also a helicopter came and took the one person who survived to the hospital. 

This was all FAKE but a play that showed what it actually would look like in a real accident... 
I only got one picture because I was so distracted, but you can see the two cars  that collided and some firemen breaking the smashed door open to get them out. 
In the background you can see people in black, those are the victims this morning for deaths every 15 minutes 


Publicerad 2014-05-15 02:35:47 i Allmänt

So we hit over 100 degrees F today for the first time of the year. Wasn't actually that bad, I worked out outside and some weight lifting in the gym and then took a long walk outside in the sun in 36 C. 

Right now in just home chillin' at home, I might chill with Elias or Wyatt if I don't find anything better to do


Publicerad 2014-05-14 20:59:11 i Allmänt

Yesterday Claira and I worked out hard eight period and then after that I went home. Laura gave me a ride to pick up Grant after his football practice and we hung out at our house :) 

Carl made banana and strawberry smoothie which were just as good as the peach and mango ones :)

Doctors appointment

Publicerad 2014-05-13 06:14:15 i Allmänt

Had a follow p with dr Glaser today about my bone bruises. They've gotten way better and I actually ran about a mile yesterday. (American mile, 1.6 km) and it only hurt a little :) 

So I'm just going to keep slowely starting to run and keep lifting :)


Publicerad 2014-05-11 17:01:25 i Allmänt

After the rodeo I went to grants house. I ate dinner with his mom, dad, brother sister and her husband and grants nephew :) he's name is Weston and he's only 2 months old. 
I had a great time :) tried to write blood with me hands, but my nails are ao long so it was hard and I scratched myself too hard while trying...


Publicerad 2014-05-11 07:04:51 i Allmänt


Cow riding 
Mi vato Elias
Me and my pink cowboy boots
At the rodeo, cute cowboy kid and mom
Small kids riding sheep 

So I was at the rodeo and it was louds of fun! 
Above was some of the things going on :)

Calf wrestling 
Cow riding 
Sheep riding 
Chicken chase
Barrel race
Tie a goat


Publicerad 2014-05-09 02:05:03 i Allmänt

This is platanes, it looks like bananas but is nothing like it. They are kinda like south Americas potatoes. You peel them and chop them up and then fry them. 
The green ones are the foody ones and the yellow ones are more like desert. 
The green ones you double fry. After the firs time you smosh  them I make them flat and then fry them again until they're golden and crispy. Then some garlic powder and dip them in a mix of ketchup and mayonnaise:) it's kinda like French fries! 

And the yellow ones that are more ripe and sweeter, and they don't get crispy but stay soft. On them we just put some sugar and then ready to eat :)

Workout budz

Publicerad 2014-05-08 08:47:35 i Allmänt

Had yoga yesterday for 30 minutes last class do the day and then Claira and I hit the weightroom and went hard on core. Best workout buddy ever! 


Publicerad 2014-05-08 08:47:31 i Allmänt

Grant asked me to prom today, was totally surprised.
I get picked up a school after a looooong day at the track meet, so came home at 9 pm. Right in front of the door in chalks I can read "hey, follow the arrows, warning for bad Swedish" and then balloons and around 50 blue arrows making the way to my room. With notes along the way saying "getting close" and "it's getting warm" and on my door it was a bunch of arrows and balloons and a note that said "almost there" and when I opened my door it was even more balloons, and Grant sat on my bed with a sign saying "do you want to go to prom with me?" But in Swedish, google translates so it was wrong but so cute.

He had also made me a blanket in grey and blue, and cut it and tied it, I'll out up a picture tomorrow, and of course I said yes, no other answer in mind!!!

For pictures of what it all looked like, go to my Facebook :) 

Friday Night

Publicerad 2014-05-04 19:24:44 i Allmänt

A little bit late update haha! But this Friday Monique, Chelena, Ari and I hung out with Tristan, David, Grant and Garrett :) then we all went back and slept at Monique's house :) 
And Monique has the cutest little brother ever, half native kids can kill with their cuteness !!

Friday night

Publicerad 2014-05-02 21:47:49 i Allmänt

Today after school I'm planning on hanging out with Monique chelena and Ari. Chelena will probably pick me up after she's done some chores at home and then we all will go to Monique's house :) 


Publicerad 2014-05-02 06:11:17 i Allmänt

So right now it's 21.08 or 9.08 pm and 31 degrees Celsius... During the day it was about 36 and it's going down now. As you can see it's a warm weekend coming :))
But as soon as the clouds come the temperature drops by several degrees...

FFA banquet

Publicerad 2014-05-02 06:00:35 i Allmänt

Alexis and I went to the FFA banquet today. FFA stands for future farmers of America. And they had just chosen new officers for the next year and they had some information about that, presenting the new officers and a hilarious video parody of American idol they've done aggie style haha! 

"Igniting the flame" in the meaning of keeping agriculture alive since the urbanization and drought takes away many jobs :) 

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