Här kommer jag uppdatera så ofta jag kan om alla förberedelser inför min 1-års långa resa till Kalifornien, USA, och min vistelse där.


Publicerad 2013-12-31 10:30:49 i Allmänt

Got a question what kind of status/reaction I get on the school since I'm from Sweden.

Well first of all, when people heard my name Without seeing me they thought I was big and fat for some reason..?

They expected tall skinny blonde girl but nope I'm a short brunette! Haha 
If I compare how people react with me compared to the German exchange student who also is a girl it isn't much of a difference. 

One thing everybody is upsessed with here is my eyes. Everybody thinks they're amazing for some reason? It's not like they don't have blue eyes here so I really don't get it haha! But it's always nice to get compliments :)

I think it was 2 years ago they had a Swedish exchange student last time and she was a bit crazy from what be heard. So maybe they expected that? Most people were just really nice to me and says hi and starts conversations with me and are just fun people!

A common question I get is how a "normal/stereotypical" swed looks like! 


Publicerad 2013-12-26 00:03:24 i Allmänt

Christmas tree 😍😍😍

Me and Lexi taking some Christmas selfies :ppp


Publicerad 2013-12-24 01:43:02 i Allmänt

Some of Alexis relatives are coming to stay here over Christmas so I'm staying in her room until they'll leave again. 

I can't wait for Christmas but we don't celebrate it until the 25th here so when our Christmas starts, yours is already over :)


Publicerad 2013-12-24 01:38:22 i Allmänt

Last Friday was the last school day of this semester. 

It was nothing special except all cheerleaders dressed like candy canes and had a dance during lunch :)

Down to town

Publicerad 2013-12-18 23:07:30 i Allmänt

I don't have cheer practice today only eight period so Carl Alexis and I are going to town to take out money so I can pay for my ticket to Florida where we're going during spring break (February) to go to Disney world :)

Saffron buns

Publicerad 2013-12-16 08:01:23 i Allmänt

Yes that's the translation for lussebullar... I made them yesterday and thy turned out okey, we didn't have all the stuff we usually do in Sweden here and gluten free is never easy but I'm proud haha!

Ha really pretty or what...

I also went to the theatre to see the nutcracker today with Alexis and Carl. It was a ballet and it was amazing. I remember some stuff from my old Barbie movie and the music was so familiar. 

When Alexis and I came home we instantly watched the Barbie movie on VHS because she actually had it! So bad quality but whatever! 


Publicerad 2013-12-16 07:58:18 i Allmänt

It didn't wanna publish earlier for some stupid reason but me Alexis Sarah and Tavis when to the jay-z concert which was bomb. 


Publicerad 2013-12-10 06:40:17 i Allmänt

I told my host family about Swedish julmust and carl found it today! I'm so happy!! Alexis thinks it tastes like NyQuil and grapes but again, she likes dr pepper and vinegar.  

Auberry winter

Publicerad 2013-12-07 21:04:46 i Allmänt

Auberry from my house

Auberry from Jonah's house

Carl told me that this probably is the only time it's going to snow an I'm missing it since I'm in San Diego.


Publicerad 2013-12-06 16:16:53 i Allmänt

So yesterday me and Jonah got PDA, public display of affection. It's actually really really stupid. He kissed me out the mouth real quick and then freaking Donna (like the one who makes sure everybody follows the rules) comes and says that we have to go to the office for PDA.

So we both got a step, had to call our parents and tell them, (I called Laura and Jonah called Aimee who just thought the whole thing was funny) and then during lunch we didn't get to eat but we had to walk around with trash bags and collect people's trash.

The whole thing is so stupid and annoying just unnecessary.

Cone trees

Publicerad 2013-12-06 02:09:11 i Allmänt

This is the cone tree I have I my room, with the theme bears :) Laura has around 30 trees and they all have different themes. 

Today was freezing! -3 Celsius and I saw that you guys had like 2 plus so we got it colder...

It says that snow is coming tomorrow and Saturday but Alexis Laura and I are going to San Diego beach again so no snow for us, at least 15 over there!

Perfect eyes

Publicerad 2013-12-05 08:26:07 i Allmänt

He hates this pictures and didn't know I took it but just wanted to show you how blue and perfect his eyes are haha!

Christmas routine

Publicerad 2013-12-05 03:25:02 i Allmänt

So in cheer we've been working on our Christmas routine. I really like it but we're doing leaps in pairs and I'm with shalia who is taller than me so I just hope that we'll work it out because it's really hard! 

We're also doing spins and a really fun hip hop part together with some of the guys! So I'm really excited! 


Publicerad 2013-12-03 16:16:04 i Allmänt

Today after cheer practice I'm gonna go and jog with Jonah. :) but he has leg day today so I'm not sure that he actualy is going to wanna run. 

I think it's raining outside today too and that's kinda a vibe killer...
Theowback From our last football game ever 


Publicerad 2013-12-01 19:07:50 i Allmänt

I got home yesterday already. We left Utah 6 in the morning and got home at 9pm. 15 hours ride with all breaks and stuff. Today is the last day of the break and I wouldn't mind another week off.

Not a very good picture but this is a famous building in Utah that took 40 years (if I remember right) to build.

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